CBD Lemon Auto Strain
CBD Lemon Auto is a great way to medicate and have tremendous fun doing it. You’ll get all the healing you need from 17% CBD, while the same amount of THC provides a great recreational value. The lemony scent and earthy taste complete the picture.
Perfect For: Wellness, Balance, and Great Mood
- Equal (and high) amounts of CBD and THC
- A great happy buzz without any edge to it
- Outstanding healing action on body and mind
CBD Lemon Auto Smoke Review
A CBD-rich smoke shouldn’t be boring, and this is the case with CBD Lemon Auto, where two main cannabinoids balance each other out perfectly. Together, they provide an astoundingly powerful effect.
CBD Lemon Auto Effect
While working on these genetics, the breeders had two types of users in mind: those who need to alleviate serious physical and mental symptoms and those who want to have a good time without a single anxious thought or, God forbid, paranoia. The first objective is taken care of by the 17% CBD, and the second one, by the 17% THC. The result is a feeling of floating on a cloud of relaxation and happiness.
CBD Lemon Auto Flavor
Cured buds exude a strong aroma of lemon with occasional notes of other fruit. It’s all felt in the smoke as well, along with some spiciness. On the exhale, the smoke caresses your palate with the fragrance of earth.
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