Mama Thai regular Strain
Mama Thai may not be the biggest yielding cannabis strain in our selection but it will certainly impress with its taste and incredible, psychedelic effect. Intensive selection was carried out on a large number of Thai phenotypes in the quest to reduce the normally very long flowering time to a much more reasonable length of time.
Seedsman Mama Thai Cannabis Seeds Info
The result is our pure sativa Mama Thai which retains all of the other exceptional qualities that people have come to expect of Thai sativa strains. Flowering is now a very respectable 11 weeks to produce a clear, cerebral, at times almost hallucinogenic effect from its 22% THC. This strain is still more suited to indoor cultivation in all but the warmest climates as maturation outdoors will continue well into autumn although a green house will afford extra protection from the ravages of inclement conditions at higher latitudes. With its roots free from confining restrictions Mama Thai can develop into a very large plant producing light, airy, fluffy sativa buds that connoisseurs will already be familiar with.
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